If you have raised children or have been around children, you probably know how praise is appreciated by them. Praise them and you are sure that they will repeat that same behaviour to get more praise and more praise. It is no surprise that parents who are potty training clap and praise a lot when the little one finally goes potty by himself.
God himself wants us to do good. In Deuteronomy 11:26 the NLT translate this like “Look, today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse!…so you can choose! We can choose to do what is pleasing to God and get praise. Can you imagine walking down the aisle on the day of judgment and hear the omnipresent voice call out to you and say: You are my child – fill in your name – In you, I’m well pleased!
His Spirit connects us
God can be pleased with us because it is His Spirit who lives in us that connects us back to God and opens the door for God to be pleased with us. Knowing and understanding that God chose us and gave us ALL we need for him to be pleased with us opens our heart and soul for his Love.
Give it up
It is time to give up that one sin, that one thing that has been keeping you from growing. Let it go. God has it.
Well done daughter. God loves you.
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