Books for Life is a ministry of Saved to Serve International Ministry, a non-for-profit organisation..Read More



Books by Luisette Kraal

Featured Blog Posts

Why does the Bible call us Sheep?

There was a good reason why the illustration of a shepherd with his sheep was used so often in biblical times. The people of that time were familiar with that trade. However we might not know why sheep need…

Featured Blog Posts

Prayer for My Child

Prayer for my Children: Lord, I pray a blessing over my children. Let their feet always find the narrow and the straight path. Let whatever their hands touch, flourish. Let their eyes see your beauty around them and their…


HELP! My To-Do-List…

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Heb 13: 8 I woke up with these sweet words in my mouth today. “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.” And at soon as I said the…

Bible teachings

15 Versikulo pa Hende Ku Kanser

Awe, dia a kuminsá manera tur otro dia. Hopi kos di hasi, pero nos famia a para ketu pa lesa Beibel i hasi orashon. Asina nos ta konfia Dios ku e mes lo regala nos ora den e dia…

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Money, Sex & Communication in Marriage

Somewhere, I once read that all marital problems can be traced back to money, sex or communications. Whether this is true or not, these three are indeed major problem instigators. I have noticed that there is a lot of…

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My Hero

The day started like any other day.  I rushed through my morning routine, jumped into my dark blue uniform skirt and white silk blouse, slipped on my high-heeled shoes and ran to the car. In one hand I had…

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Stand Firm

Today I read the FB post of Natalie Grant, the Grammy award nominee for Best Gospel/ Contemporary Christian music. She went to the Grammys; however, she walked out of the ceremony before the end of it. This triggered a…



A Teen-novel written by Luisette Kraal Nebo was eight years old when he heard the news for the first time – the King of Babylon had given permis- sion for the people of Israel to return to their country!…

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